Monday, April 23, 2012

Beard Info-Graphic for Diamond

 Here's a fun little info graphic about beards (mostly present day statistics), but I thought maybe it would be useful for how you wanted to focus on body hair on certain characters.  There some links at the bottom if you want to investigate it further.

Also, if you've ever watched Game of Thrones on HBO, there's a certain group of people called the Dothraki (who are also very persian/middle eastern influenced) where the men grow out their hair really long.  They only cut it off when they lose in battle to show their shame, so the man with the longest hair is the leader.  Just some other ways you could distinguish characters by how "macho" they are.
Just note, I'm not saying you should copy the long hair thing, it's just another example of how power/respect was symbolized with respect to hair.

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