Tuesday, September 25, 2012

DECOMPRESSED - Podcast by Kieron Gillen

A customer of mine gave me the heads-up on this podcast series and I figured I'd pass it along. podcast DECOMPRESSED (also available on iTunes!) is an interview/discussion/dissection of a single comic between Kieron Gillen, a current Marvel Comics writer (and a personal favorite), and whichever creator he's convinced to sit down with him for an hour and "talk shop." He's British and speaks somewhat quickly, so it can be a little difficult to keep up at times, but his discussions with a writer or artist (and sometimes both) on how they make their comics is definitely worth a listen (and look -- there are visual aids!).

In particular, I liked the interview with Matt Fraction & David Aja about Hawkeye #1; I'm not a huge fan of Fraction's work, but he understands the mechanics of storytelling and loves making comics. David Aja, in my opinion, might be one of the best illustrative storytellers working in comics today (Chris Samnee, too).

I also liked the discussion with Matt Fraction & Mark Waid about the pros and cons of scripting using the "Marvel Method." The "Marvel Method" of scripting is when the writer giving the penciller a page-by-page plot breakdown, writing the dialogue for the pages only after the artist turns in the finished pages; an approach I think I myself will be trying to speed up my writing.


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